Schlagwort: text

  • Aphorismen 2013โ€“

    Aphorismen 2013โ€“

    Wirklich gut. Haโ€“Ha: Don’t care. Mehr noch weniger als genug. Eine Weggefรคhrtin. Nach langer รœberlegung.

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  • utopmania est.2001

    utopmania est.2001

    Quasiโ€“Manifest des Projektes.

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  • The Four Stages

    The Four Stages

    Stay calm and watch for the patterns to become clear before your eyes. To think of the patterns as structures brings you to the next point on your list. Do not ask where they come from, do not ask what caused them. What are the patterns, I question. I donโ€˜t say: watch it with your…

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